Friday, December 30, 2011

October, November, December Oh My

Life for the last few months feels like I have the fast forward button on. I really want to be a better blogger in 2012, it helps me slow down, reflect and I love looking back on the stories of my little life. Let me catch up.

 October- Isabel was running down the hallway to her bath, tripped and knocked out one of her front teeth AGAIN, poor thing. I really need to wrap her in bubble wrap. She had to be put under for the procedure, which scares me half to death, but she did fine and remembers nothing except getting a shot.
Isabel enjoyed her 3rd Family birthday party...minus one tooth, but had tons of fun! Crafts, cupcakes, and cool presents.

A new pumpkin patch opened near our house and we had a great day enjoying all it had to offer. Petting zoo, playground made of straw bales, paint on tattoos, fresh pumpkin pie and a tracter ride to pick our own pumpkin,  Isabel is still talking about the jumping "pillow." 

Her face still puffy from surgery a few days prior, we donned her ballerina princess costume (all usable at a later date.) We went trick-or-treating at the mall for a special young children only night, and on Halloween we went from our house to Mimi's house with T Em and Rouge. Most of our neighborhood sits out in their yards or porches so it made it fun. By the third house Issy wanted to go up herself. * Josh made her leg warmers, so cute!

November: We had a Lasagna family dinner at my parents for my 31st birthday...luckily there are no pictures, but I did take a pic of what I got with my Crate and Barrel gift card. I love it and have never owned one, can you believe it!

Besides badly spraining my ankle the night before my all nighter setting the Black Friday Ad at work, Thanksgiving was extra fun this year. We did a breakfast and dinner, so everyone could attend. There was chit chat about the last minute decision Target made to open at midnight, which affected most of our schedules. Josh waited in line for a TV from 6pm to midnight, it rained and he had to do crowd control when people started to get out of hand. He was 2 people too late for the TV he wanted, so he got the next cheapest and it was returned within a week. Haha.  I caught these precious moments, my Grandma teaching Isabel how to line dance, and her and my Grandpa playing the piano together.

Oh and my Mom had wine on tap...maybe that is why it was so fun. I told you I took a pic mom!

I did get my most favoritist Black Friday deal this year, a Duraflame fireplace heater.

  In early December we had more than a few rainy days...luckily these Missoni rain boots went on clearance and we could enjoy the rain properly!

We did crafts... I also discovered Pinterst, which is where all these ideas came from.

Isabel had Observation Week at Gymnastics...they did a little snowman routine.

I made my own pumpkin for baking from scratch by baking pie pumpkins for an hour and then pureeing. It was so easy and I think, was more flavorful.

Hubby expanded my Pen for the chickens and they are in Hen Heaven!

We watched Elf 500 hundred times, made Hello Dollies, I got 50mm lens for my camera, Isabel learned to sing Silent Night, we went to Winterhaven to see lights, I redecorated a wall in the living room, I paid off my car, Isabel got her first hair cut, and we made Hello Dollies again. That is the rest of December in fast forward. Christmas will have to be a new post as I haven't uploaded those pictures yet. :)


vjmay said...

Love the pic of grandpa and isa at the pmade...precious! I can't believe I didn't see your house over Christmas....I love the feet Christmas tree you guys made! :)

A Daughter of the King said...

This is a precious post full of memories that your little family will CHERISH Forever.