Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bear Hunt

 We couldn't stay away and went back for round 2 in the mountains and it was glorious! 
 More thunderstorms, Smores, Apple Butter hoarding (more on that later), movies and great company. But my favorite memory was our Bear Hunt.
 Sunday was overcast with sprinkles but we all needed to exercise so we set off on a walk in the woods. Most of us just wanted to wander in the woods behind the cabin but Mom insisted we take the road due to a bad experience getting lost, so we took a dirt road that lead to a cattle watering ranch instead and I'm so glad we did. It was so much more interesting! 
Along the way Isabel started to correlate her surroundings to her latest book obsession "We're Going On a Bear Hunt"

 We're going on a Bear Hunt.
We're going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

She had a blast gathering little things like pretty rocks, flowers, sticks to kill the bear when she found it...yes my daughter likes to be scared, just a little bit.
Mimi made clues to follow to the bear (translation:back home.)

Bear Hunts are tiring!

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