Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easter and What Happened to the Fair?

I have been a lazy blogger...I get too caught up with what everyone else posts and run out of time to post my own.
Anyway, this Easter included a week early brunch with the Fam, Church, and a trip to the County Fair.
 Isabel enjoyed church, she danced, clapped and got to play with could she not enjoy it? We came home for a family nap and then Emily and I talked each other into going to the Fair. We don't do rides, we go for the animals, the food and to reminisce of the olden days when showing animals was actually cool to do in High School and when they had put a limit on how many animals you could enter. These days you are lucky to see 10 rabbits. When I was in 4-H I entered 10 myself! And the 4-H auction now only has a few grandstands of buyers as opposed to a stadium. So sad...I must revive 4-H by time Isabel is 9!


Rachel Lohrman said...

Maybe it will revive now that our generation has kids...but I agree, so sad.

A Daughter of the King said...

What a cute little bun bun! Send this link to Great Grandma.